These are my personal experiences in Kyrgyzstan. They do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I meant to do this last month. Actually, that's not true. I meant to do it 5 months ago, when I began my last full semester of college. I never got around to it, of course. Today, I turned in a paper on semantics and word licensing for my linguistics class--it was my last assignment for the semester. It's sad that it took me this long to finally get around to this, but at least I'm here now. That's what counts, right?

I've spent three years learning in school things that will supposedly help me in life. But today, my pseudo-last day of school, I feel like the most valuable lessons I learned were because of my own (usually impulsive) actions. Like how great days will always be balanced by bad ones, or how every step that's brought me closer to the person I thought I wanted to be has actually taken me further away from some other good thing. It's incredibly scary to wake up one day and realize that while I was changing, so was everyone (and everything) else, and that the reality I'm now waking up to is not the same one that existed when I went to bed.

Is it bad though? I don't know yet. But I hope not, because today really is the first day of the rest of my life.


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