These are my personal experiences in Kyrgyzstan. They do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

call me a hermit

I am trying to make the most of my time here, but when I truly think about it, I never planned on enjoying it. It's funny, I've always wanted to do it, but I never looked forward to how much "fun" it would be. Maybe that's why I'm not really allowing it to be as "fun" as it could be, i.e., I don't go hang with volunteers every weekend. I live in the city--there are around 10 volunteers here, and no one can understand why I choose to not hang around Americans all the time. Hmm...I envisioned it as a time of introspection and it that? It is, I think...I do realize new things about myself and my desires on a regular basis. And from past experience, I know that I can't look as deeply into myself as I want if I'm around people, particularly Americans who are reminders of the "real" life I left behind, which is why this experience for so long has seemed like the perfect chance to get away and finally get to know the one person who I've never been able to figure out--me. While I am making the most of this time, I'm also very much looking forward to emerging from this self-sentenced "moral isolation" so that I can put to use what I've learned, both about myself and the big, scary world.


Blogger Rizwan said...

i hope that at some point you find my comment ... i'm exceptionally proud of you and hope that at some point we get a chance to catch up on the last year or so. i know you're doing well, keep it up and continued good luck! oh and as always, take care of yourself. =)

7:34 PM


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