These are my personal experiences in Kyrgyzstan. They do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I was driving to school this morning when I heard on the radio about the metro bombings in London. So only about 40 people were killed, but I couldn't hold back the surprising rush of hot tears that came to my eyes. I'm both saddened and angry every time I hear about these occurrances and can't fathom why anyone could do such a thing in the name of a religion that preaches pacifism! They make known their religious beliefs by the public desecration of those same beliefs. Does that make any sense?? I'm so lost! And I am aware that most people consider terrorists to be abnormal and few in number, but how can people like that even exist? They hurt innocent people, and I believe in karma, so what goes around comes around, but what can you do to deserve being BLOWN INTO A THOUSAND LITTLE PIECES!?!!??

These events disturb my perception of the way things work...and scare me, what if there isn't anything/anyone/whatever out there, somewhere, watching over us? What if there is no balance in the universe, and what you do today doesn't matter tomorrow...and there's no such thing as karma?? It can't be that...unfair. But it just was...for those people on the Metro today.... :(


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