These are my personal experiences in Kyrgyzstan. They do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

it's all a game

People never cease to surprise me. Especially boys. Yes, boys, because honestly, I think I know few men. Immaturity and malintent show me that most are not yet men, but, of course, you think you are. You feign innocent friendships, only because of what you hope the false friendships may develop into. It's a game to you; if you play it right, you might get rewarded. If you mess up, well it's alright because you've only allowed me into the gray area between friends and acquaintances. Well, let me to clear something up for you, boys. I can see through it now, and the depths I see do nothing but disgust me. My friendship, you may realize one day, is much more valuable than the other possibilities. Unfortunately for you, however, your time is up, and you've revealed your true intent. You no longer deserve my time, and I'm through residing in the gray area between being a friend and an acquaintance. I'm pulling myself out of your game.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me help explain men to you. Men are horny, and men are pigs because of said horniness. It's not that we don't love you (women) as friends, we do. Well, some do. It's not that you're a piece of meat. You're funny, you're smart, you're fun to be around. But then we're horny. And you, yes even you female friends, you're still female and you have the ability to satisfy us in that way too. That's all there is to it. When the sex-drive kicks into gear that's all we can think of. Perhaps the boys who can't control this urge need some help. Or perhaps if they can't control this urge they should not have female friends. But it's really not so complicated. And it's not necessarily malicious. And I don't care if some guy says otherwise, he's lying through his teeth. And I'D better still deserve your time.

3:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, I think Steve was definitely correct in his analysis, for the most part. Take me, for example. I definitely like females. And because of this biological attraction, it is VERY hard (virtually impossible) for me to 'just be friends' with a girl that I'm even the slightest interested in...because we're always thinking about "mating," so to speak (physically and/or psychologically). With that said, this is why I don't really have any female "FRIEND friiends" - and by that term, I mean women that I can sit back and kick it with, while talking about sports, drinking beer, and most importantly, talk about other girls. There's just a natural separation between guys and girls I think - and when women try to break that separation and become good friends with a guy, it usually ends up badly...UNLESS both parties involved have no attraction to the other party (ESPECIALLY the male)!

3:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, will, if you're not her friend, what are you??

10:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

who posts anonymously? i mean, honestly. come on. hiding behind the internet? who does that?

5:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Well, we're still 'friends,' but not the kind of friends that guys and other guys are. Like, friends on a different level. On the spectrum of acquaintances-best friends, it's closer to acquaintances...

4:57 AM


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